To tell a truth in front of a tyrant ruler is the biggest crusade in the sight of Lord. And perhaps, this saying sounds so true to Mr. S M Mushrif (retired IAS officer – former IGP Maharashtra) when he wrote his book, ‘Who killed Karkare ?’ published a couple of months back. Ironically, despite all the truth he has managed to jot down in his daring work, he couldn’t get the kind of coverage or response in the Media. The sort of debate or discussion it should spark off in the market sounds missing though, the reasons are obvious, which he himself disclosed in his recent visit to Nagpur on 2nd and 3rd January 2010 in conference organised by Bahujan Sangarsh Samiti Nagpur Chapter. He said that, despite the 20-25 different journalists from the various big and small Media houses both the print and electronic, which interviewed him on 28th October 2009 at his Pune based residence; nothing really appeared the following day, except in small time Newspapers of the city. His work was totally brought below the carpet; nobody really cared to debate or discusses it in public domain, thanks to the kind of pressure the Saffron brigade has created on the Media industry. So one can imagine the fear in which they dwell these days, to this point Mushrif added a humor saying, “the saffron elements happens to be the real terrorist, but with my book they seems to be terrorized, so in this way I now call myself a more bigger terrorist than them”. The most interesting speech in the two day program of Bahujan Sangarsh Samiti, was in the symposium on, ‘Hindu Nation and Bahujan society’ (Bahujan Society is the non Brahmin communities, including, Muslims, Christians, Sikh, Dalits, OBC’s etc). Wherein he said that, the real trouble before the anti National elements (saffron groups) were the true Nationalist people like, Karkare, Salaskar, Kamte etc, who managed to find the real culprit behind the series of bomb blasts done in various places including, Malegaon, Nanded and Parbhani, etc. The 2 Laptops recovered by Karkare after Sadhvi Pragya’s arrest disclosed, how the Hindu Terror Network was responsible for the series of bomb blasts carried out and making Muslim innocent youths responsible for the same. The Laptop recovered, had ample of information, about how the Hindu terror group materialized this anti national activities using people and groups of different expertise and resource. These groups of men included some high profile industrialists, politicians, Media professionals, Historians, Academicians and so on. This new nexus coming into light was well exposed by our real hero, the ATS Chief, Hemant Karkare. This man made a promise to himself that he will leave no stone unturned to let the world know the truth. However, before he could do this, he was knocked out of this mortal world in a very mysterious fashion during the 26/11 Mumbai attack. According to Mushrif, the elimination of Karkare was nothing but an innovative way of getting rid of a person who was likely to expose the anti national elements which is nothing but the saffron brigade. This innovative way is - certainly killing people like Karkare under the shadow of some operation like of 26/11, so it was a good team work between the so called Lashkar men and the saffron elements. According to Mushrif, the IB was well informed about the Let men hatching a plan to attack the Taj, they had been knowing this fact since 18th November 2008, but unfortunately, they never passed on this information to the Navy or to the Mumbai police, rather they preferred to give it to the coast guard which has nothing to do with the internal security. So it was nothing but efforts done too little too late, failing thus to avert this attack, the IB despite being informed about the movement of the boat carrying the men with lethal weapons remained tongue tied. Earlier the IB was provided with 35 different suspicious cell no’s by the RAW, the same numbers used during those 72 hours of terror in Mumbai, including many ISD calls and only one call made in Mumbai, just before the death of Karkare. In this way Hemant Karkare was killed by the men as per the directions of the saffron elements, while the message went to the masses was, ‘Let men killed him’. According to Mushrif, he had found 11 stark contrasting elements in two operations. The Taj-Oberoy-Trident was completely different from the one at Cama and Rangbhavan lanes. How can same people be at two different places at the same time? Also, he came across so many loopholes, in the 26/11 investigation. Sr. IAS officer Rangari told Times of India, Mumbai edition that during the attack at CST, out of 35 CCTV cameras, 16 were shut down at that particular day for no valid reason. The SIM recovered at CST station of the terrorist belonged to a person based at Satara (a city in Maharashtra), the police investigation was intervened in the midst of the due process, and this owner of the SIM was never brought to books. The lady beside the coastal area identified these men who came from boat, and was the eye witness to massacre perpetrated at Taj in the broad day light, but was soon forced to leave for US. The interesting remark made by Mr. Mushrif at the end of his speech was, that the IB in India is worst than any RSS Shakha, and that if these men who happens to be our custodians of our security and who remain hand in glove with the enemies of our society, then its time to stand up for a new revolution.
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